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Image by Sean Pollock

The Power of Good Advice

Our Services

Our Services

Expertise. Trust. Growth

Insolvency and Bankruptcy

End to End, Interim Resolution Professional, LiquidatorResolution Professional, Voluntary Liquidation, Personal Guarantor to Corporate Debtor, Representation in CoC meeting and Advisory Services.

Book Keeping & Cash Managemenent

Leave the Finance and Accounting to the expert and you concentrate on your core business.

Financial Advisory Services

NCLT, Interim Resolution Professional, Resolution Professional, Liquidator, 

Voluntary Liquidation, Representation in CoC meeting, Advisory Services & all financial consultancy services

Company Registration Services

End to end services starting with creation of entities till the setting up of operations. Identification of the type of entity that will best suite the objective and Start up mentoring.

Asset Health check up for Financial Institution

An Insolvency Professional is best suited to diagnose the health of assets of the Financial Institutions.

Debt Resolution

Compliance check, Evaluation of the current situation, and Identify the gaps and recommend corrective actions.


“Mr. Balakrishnan is highly knowledgeable and through professional. His advices are faultlesss and comes with integrity.”

Jason Strauss
CEO of ML Associates

Ready to find out more?

Starting from the application to NCLT, then representing the applicant in NCLT, Mediating and enabling out of court settlement, Recommending a suitable Insolvency Professional, Handling the role of Interim Resolution Professional, Handling the role of Resolution Professional, connecting with suitable Investors, Enabling a resolution plan, Liquidation process (If need be).

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